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Thursday, March 23, 2023

1 Corinthians 5:3 - Hammer & Heart


1 Corinthians 5:3


For I indeed, as absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged (as though I were present) him who has so done this deed.

NLT (includes part of verse 4)

Even though I am not with you in person, I am with you in the Spirit. And as though I were there, I have already passed judgment on this man in the name of the Lord Jesus.


Today, I encourage you to at least go back to verse one and start reading.  If will give you some context for these verses.


I use a couple of commentaries in writing. Commentaries are a big help for this old cowboy to understand God’s word better.  I hope you have one, or two, or three that you use regularly. (Here are the ones I use, if you have some you use, please share in the comments…help some brothers and sisters out!  Enduring Word,, and of course Bible Hub (lotsa help here) And now back to our regularly scheduled program…


Paul is basically calling out the church at Corinth because of what is a known sin of an unrepentant man.  He is exercising his authority as an apostle and leader in the church.  He’s saying, “just because I’m not there, does not mean anything goes”, and then we get into the hard part of his comment when he says, “I have already judged him”.  


Wait…what?  Doesn’t the bible say judge not lest you be judged?  Yes, but understand the context of what it says.  It’s not for us to judge unbeliever’s, but we should not let the unrepentant actions of fellow believers just lie there. The NIV says, “I have already passed judgment in the name of our Lord Jesus on the one who has been doing this.


This one is kinda tough, I mean, shouldn’t we love and encourage someone back into a relationship with God?  Yes we should, our judgement (if we’re going to call it that) should come after some time has been spent loving on that person.  Encouraging them and speaking truth about what the bible says about their situation. I believe we all, at times, have been in a place where our sin has placed us in a place contrary to God.  I have and thank God I have people in my life who called me on it and led me back, in repentance, to a relationship with God. But what about the one who doesn’t want to hear any truth and has justified their position in sin? 


The Enduring Word commentary says, “Paul is not being disobedient in the slightest way. Jesus’ command in Matthew 7:1-5 forbids hypocritical judgment, and judging others by a standard that we ourselves do not want to be judged by. Paul is perfectly willing to apply the same standards to himself that he is applying to the Corinthian Christians. Some judgment is permitted, and some is not. “While Christians are not to judge one another’s motives or ministries, we are certainly expected to be honest about each other’s conduct.” (Wiersbe)”


There you go…we should only judge to the level we are willing to be judged at conductwise.  Still, every step should be taken before God and every step should be prayed over.  WWJD?


This is hard,
