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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

1 Corinthians 6:3 - Judging Angels

1 Corinthians 6:3


Don't you know we will judge angels? And if this is so, we can surely judge everyday matters.



Don’t you realize that we will judge angels? So, you should surely be able to resolve ordinary disputes in this life.


The destiny of redeemed men and women – to one day be higher than the angels and to even sit in judgment of them – must greatly annoy a certain high angel in heaven. He did not want to serve an inferior creature now and did not want that inferior creature to be raised up higher than even him. So, he rebelled against God, and is determined to keep as much of humanity as possible from sitting in judgment of himself. We can imagine the perverse, proud pleasure Satan takes over every soul that goes to hell: “They won’t sit in judgment over me!”


Read this in the Enduring Word commentary, think about that last little bit for a minute. I think about every time I stumble in my walk with Christ, how much glee satan gets from that. But that little bit is all he gets about me because I'm covered. My sins have been forgiven; past, present, and future. I'm just tired of giving him even that little bit of glee...


Lord, make a faithful follower out of me.


The above is a bonus thought. I really want to get back into this idea of believers judging angels. Now I’m not to sure if every angel will be judged or just the fallen angels. I think that it really doesn’t matter to me, though. If that is the responsibility I will have when the time comes, I think I’d better be preparing now. Everyday matters, or ordinary disputes, is what the verse says we should be able to resolve. Unfortunately, this is a struggle at times. Our pursuit of being right will at times override what is right. Here is a truth bomb that applies to me too. You are not always right; I am not always right.


We need to seek less of ourselves being right and more of what is right! My “right” is always based on my perception, my attitude, and my heart. What is right should be based on what the Word says. When we base our “right” on God’s perceptions, God’s attitudes, and God’s heart; then ordinary disputes become a whole lot easier. Let’s seek that today.


God is right,

Pastor Cory


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