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Thursday, April 15, 2021

1 Corinthians 2:3 -- Fear Not!


1 Corinthians 2:3



I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling.



I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. 


Not really words you want to read when it comes to one of the heroes of the faith, is it?  This man faced storms and stoning and many other trials…yet he came to Corinth in fear and trembling.  In my opinion (and keep in mind, opinions are like arm pits…everybody has a couple and they all stink), I think Paul knew his own heart.  He knew where he stood with Christ and he knew what his heart was capable of.  He had a lack of trust in himself.


 “So great was his sense of weakness and fear, and so profound his lack of trust in himself that he quaked, he trembled. Those are the secrets of strength in all preaching.” (G. Campbell Morgan)


I completely get this.  At times, I am so overcome with my calling that fear takes over.  At those times, my lack of trust in my own ability can overshadow what the Lord is telling me.  The good news is that we get this Word for encouragement.  It’s at those times when we are in weakness, fear and trembling that we need to turn to the Bible and find places where God says, “trust me” and you can go just about anywhere throughout His Word to be encouraged.  I typed What Does the Bible Say About Encouragement? (  There are at least 100 verses that offer encouragement to us. (check it out). 


God says fear not all the time.  He says fear not and trust in me.  God can use our fear and weakness because it takes the reliance out of us and puts it completely in God.  My encouragement to you today is to lean in and trust God with your fear.  We are co-heirs with Christ, who in the world can overcome that?  Fear, as the world understands fear, is not for us.  Psalm 56:34 says, When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?


Fear not!


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